2D Platformer

This is a simple 2D platformer I made from scratch using C++ and SDL. It was created for a university assignment but i also feel it is a really nice piece to show.
The art is not all mine as the character is from Braid and another class member did the enemies for me. This is a generally fun game were you want to try and beat your fastest time.

The Level Editor was made as more of a dev tool for me to use. It allowed me to create new levels for the game in a visual way. It is not user friendly as it is not something that i planned to release at any point and was only for use by me.

This game contains

  • Highscores (saved to file)
  • Level Editor
  • Level saving/loading to and from a file
  • Audio programming
  • Menus
  • Much more

The game can be downloaded by clicking here, along with the level editor.

CGP Game 4 - Gameover CGP Game 3

Game Screenshot 1 Level Editor