Ludum Dare 31

I took part in Ludum Dare gamejam, which is a 72 hour, team based gamejam. The theme given was “Entire Game on One Screen”

The game was an ambitious 3D game all fit to one screen. I feel that we made a really nice game here with a lot of polish. The game got lots of good feedback and was created in Unity.

I was a programmer and worked with several artists and just one other programmer to create our game: Toy House Attack

Some of the features I added to the game (in code) were:

  • Turrets
  • Pickups
  • Particle effects
  • Animations
  • HUD
  • Menus
  • Sounds
  • And a WHOLE bunch more

I also built upon a number of skills including, teamwork, working to a tight deadline and my skill in Unity.

Here is a link to the entry page: Toy House Attack

The game can be played in the web here, and downloaded (Windows Only) here.

Here are a number of screenshots of the game.

10481-shot4 10481-shot3 10481-shot2 10481-shot1 10481-shot0